Sunday, May 17, 2020

My initial inspiration for this piece was Trifles, which...

My initial inspiration for this piece was Trifles, which funnily enough only shares the characteristic of detectives being involved within the plot. As per suggestion on my proposal, I developed my idea of detectives solving a case further by including dialogue and inter-personnel relationships similar to those found in Glengarry Glen Ross. Taking the idea of different members of the real-estate office discussing work and plotting in Glengarry Glen Ross, and applying them to a trio of detectives on a case was interesting to say the least. Upon first thinking of what I wanted to get across, I knew that some form of conspiracy was going to be present. This was done in the revelation at the end that Chris actually was working with their†¦show more content†¦This is why towards the end of the play he walks off-stage never to return. Chris, I wrote with the intention of making him an arrogant jerk, or someone that you would hate to work with. James countered his personality to some extent, or would have if the victim had not been his friend. I made this a point so that James would be off his game, so to speak. This would justify in Chris’s mind why he would need to act on the chief’s wishes and kill James. In regards to the ending, I chose to end the play on an ill-fitting monologue of sorts. It was jarring enough to not fit the way the rest of the dialogue was given during the bulk of the play, for I wanted to get across that Chris was far worse of a person than just being arrogant. James in the end lets his anger with Chris subside to the point that he may think that Chris is trying to apologize by offering to get him a drink. This thought will inevitably prove to be another lack of judgment by James. Overall, the process of writing a play was a fun experience that I would like to come back to at some point in time, possibly to expand this story in which I have now crafted. Creating three distinct characters was quite a challenge, and writing a story with nothing but dialogue for the most part was also difficult; for the most part it is miles apart from writing fiction. Drawing inspiration from Glengarry Glen Ross helped set

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